Fika with Oslo Business Region CEO Siw Anderson: “Artists and founders have a lot in common”

Siw Andersson is CEO of Oslo Business Region

Siw Andersen worked in the art and fashion industries before joining Oslo Business Region, the business development agency for Norway’s capital. She tells Impact Loop what artists and tech founders have in common, and why Oslo’s impact scene is mushrooming.<br><br>This is the latest in our series of Friday ‘fika’ chats, where we enjoy a Swedish-<br>style coffee and cake break with brilliant minds from Europe's impact<br>community.<br>

Reporter and editor, Sweden
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What does a typical Friday look like for you?

"I would say starting my day at home with some prep work, then going into anything between three to eight meetings with different types of partners, new stakeholders, startups, investors and people that we work closely with here in Oslo and also internationally. Hopefully on a Friday I'll have the night off, and then do something fun with friends and family."

You took on the role as CEO of Oslo Business Region during the pandemic. What has been the toughest part of the last five years?

"That's a very good question. Taking over during Covid was one thing, but I wouldn't say it was the most challenging because I was already used to working digitally in a lot of my previous work. I think for me, what we've seen in the last two or three years, with markets changing drastically, has been most challenging. Also, the political changes globally."

The big talking point in business this week is the future of US-European relations, given the tensions between President Trump and Europe. What is your take?

"I think right now for us and for the companies that we talk to, the most challenging part is the ‘not knowing’. It's really difficult to plan when you don't know what you're planning for and what the changes will be."

Part of your role involves 'branding' Oslo. What makes it stand out from other European ecosystems?

"It is growing really quickly. In the last ten years we've doubled the number of startups and seen a big increase in funding. The city of Oslo has also grown about 35% in terms of inhabitants in the last 20 years. So we can now call ourselves a European global city, whereas we used to be more of a smaller village, to put things simply.

But despite this growth, Oslo remains quite connected to its adventurous, nature-driven surroundings. I think that's also something that makes it stand out both culturally and in terms of the urban environment – it is surrounded by mountains you can ski and hike on, and nature is really a priority."

What is the impact scene like in Oslo?

"There are a lot of different hubs and organisations working to support startups in different sectors. Norway Health Tech for example is doing a lot of interesting things to support companies in terms of exports. Another one is Energy Valley, a technology cluster for the Norwegian energy industry, which is doing a lot to attract and retain talent."

"There are so many interesting companies emerging that I would like to mention! If I can just pick two I will say Glint Solar – an energy company that received €8 million in funding last autumn, and Gelato, an on-demand printing company that is more in the scale-up phase, which is important because they are helping to pave the way for others."

Your organisation hosts Oslo Innovation Week – a major Nordic tech event –each autumn. How are you preparing for this?

"The main work is making sure that we have a great programme. Right now that means a lot of talking to our partners. Over the years, we have worked with between 150 and 200 partners, from different types of incubators – such as StartupLab – to embassies. We want to make the programme really relevant for the 16,000 attendees coming from 41 countries."

You previously worked in various creative industries, including art, fashion and media, and even as a DJ. How does this impact your current work?

"The common theme is I have always been working with people who want to make a change, want to build something new. I would say that artists and founders, what they have in common is that they are very passionate and driven, and usually driven by an idea to make a change and improve our lives for the better. So working with them is inspirational, but it can also be challenging because change can often be difficult, right? So I think that's the similarity."

Are you any good at embracing circular fashion?

"I would say I score ‘medium’ to be very honest. The fast fashion challenge in itself is that too many items are being produced too cheaply, so the quality of clothes is not good. Of course it improves things if we buy used clothes, secondhand, vintage, etc. but companies need to produce better clothes as well."

The Nordic region is known for its casual and minimalistic fashion. For founders or investors visiting Oslo or moving there, do you think it’s important to buy into this?

"It’s true, in Norway I think we're probably even more casual and relaxed than other Nordic countries. I think you can dress in a more individual way if you want, but it depends on the sector and the role."

What is your favourite fika?

"This month I have been eating fastlavnsbolle, which is a cream-filled bun we have in Norway at this time of year. I often go to a coffee place close to where I live called Fuglen. They also have cafes in Tokyo and Seoul, which I think is kind of cool. I enjoy the very basic black coffee there."

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