'There's an economic value which is under-exploited' – why this VC is raising €100m to back overlooked founders

Daphni Venture partner Anita de Voisins. Photo: Daphni

While the US right-wing rails against diversity in the workplace, French VC firm Daphni is raising €100m for a fund backing underrepresented founders.

"We have to change the way venture capital funds identify deals in France", lead partner Anita de Voisins tells Impact Loop.

Reporter, France
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The right-wing backlash against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts has been quite hard to miss. From major corporations quietly shelving their DEI programmes, to the new US president railing against the very concept of diversity itself, it feels like a time where calling for more inclusion in business and finance can be a risky thing to do.

But while the US voices may be the loudest on the subject, they are by no means representative of many other parts of the world.

"You know, diversity is very diverse," says Anita de Voisins, venture partner with Paris-based VC firm Daphni.

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